Fuji PXR3 Temperature Controller
For temperature controlling with alarms. Advanced, self-tuning 1/32 DIN temperature and process controller with 16 ramp / soak segments
•1/32 DIN (24×48 mm)
•PID plus self-tuning, PID plus fuzzy control, and auto-tuning
•NEMA 4X waterproof faceplate with large LED display
•Thermocouple/RTD and 4-20mA/0-5V inputs
•Single or dual control outputs
•Up to 16 ramp/soak segments or two 8-segment patterns
•Programmable alarms and heater burnout alarm options
•Remote Setpoint Option
•Analog retransmission option
•Digital Input Option
•Timer Function
•Remote monitoring and free software with RS485 option
•ISO 9001 manufactured
•3-year warranty
•UL873 approved